Why SneakQIK?
We help you find the best secret savings and hidden offers from your favorite brands in Australia. No other promotions, coupons or discounts that you can already find on the retailer's website and you may already know.

What are secret savings?
Secret savings are hidden discounts that are not advertised to public. You may not readily find them on the retailer's website and typically requires a coupon code or a special link to avail the discount.

How is it different to regular discounts and deals?
Secret savings differ from regular discounts, which are promoted on retailers' websites publicly. In our view, for online promotions, it's preferable if stores can automatically discount them without requiring a coupon code. Consider this: in physical stores, coupons aren't displayed or promoted inside; they're typically distributed through newspapers and magazines and shoppers bring them to store to avail for extra discounts. So aren't digital coupons, inherently meant to be discreet and exclusive too, not publicly advertised?

How to submit an offer?
If you're a shopper, you can share a secret offer or discount by submitting here . If you plan on posting regularly, we recommend creating an account and reaching out to us via email and requesting access from us to enable direct posting through the interface.

If you are a brand or business, you can submit a special discount exclusively for our members. Get in touch with us, so we can help create your brand profile and offer. We also take unique one time use codes in bulk.

Can I join as a moderator?
If you're interested to be a moderator, please get in touch , and we can discuss further.

Who started SneakQIK?
AdAvenue Media Pty Ltd. We run one of Australia’s oldest coupon websites called The Bargain Avenue, established in 2008.

I'm a merchant with an affiliate program, how do we join?
Please contact us.

How do we make money?
SneakQIK relies on funding to operate and sustain its services, which can be quite expensive. Currently, we are self-funded with limited resources. Our advanced platform was developed in Australia, incurring significant costs for both development and ongoing maintenance. While we offer free services for shoppers, we depend on revenue from various sources to continue delivering these services and further enhancing our offerings. To support our operations, SneakQIK may earn a small commission on purchases made through select affiliate links. We also have Google Adsense ads placed on some pages.

I've got feedback, can I share?
We hope you like us! We highly value your feedback and appreciate your time in helping us improve our product and service to you in the future. If you have any feedback you’d like to share, please contact us here . We are currently in beta, and we have some great ideas and features in the pipeline. Keep an eye out, we’re hoping to release some more features soon.

© 2024 ADavenue Media and   SneakQIK.com
We may receive a commission when you make a purchase from certain stores.